Future Leap Hub.

Two weeks ago I grabbed a spot of lunch at Future Leap Business Hub Bristol.

It’s always good to see how fellow co-working spaces operate and Simeon Pudney very kindly gave me a whistle-stop tour of the place. Their overarching value, sustainability runs through every pore of the space and allows it to attract a tribe of like-minded businesses who work, collaborate and develop together. It made me think about how important it is to find the right fit for you and your values in business.

W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne created the Red Sea v Blue Ocean strategy  to further explain how this fits in the wider context of existing and potential business practice.

You could look at it as finding the shoe that fits, the one that allows you to walk for miles without getting sore or battering your feet at every step.

So sustainability may or may not be your thing.  That doesn’t mean it’s not worth taking time to think about what is.  What environment matches your values and aspirations?  Are you surrounding yourself in an environment that aligns with your values and allows you to really thrive, or does your current workspace hold you back in some way?